
아래 신청서를 작성해 보내 주시면 웹사이트에 회원 정보를 무료로 등록해 드립니다


북미 시장 진출을 준비하는 한국 중소기업을 위한 해외지사화 서비스 – 

바이어 발굴, 시장조사, 시장성테스트, 네트워크 교류,  번역, 시판매(소비재)


창업(Startup)을 준비하는 캐나다 한인들을 위한  공유 사무실  – 

사무실을 비롯 창업에 필요한  회계, 법률 , 디자인, 프린트, 마케팅 서비스 제공

Natural Skincare & Beauty

Natural Health & Cosmetics focus on providing the newest and most cutting edge face and body cosmetics products and technologies for both personal and professional spa use. Wholesome and cutting edge, eye-opening line of natural beauty products will set new standards in quality and satisfaction.

Global Public Affairs

Government Relations | Stakeholder Engagement | Strategic Communications

Communications Global Public Affairs is Canada’s leading privately held strategic communications and government advocacy consultancy. With offices across Canada, we represent the largest corporate sector organizations in the country, touching on all facets of the national economy. We are a team of experienced consultants who work seamlessly across jurisdictions, guiding organizations through complex public policy challenges. We draw on our expertise as senior leaders in government, media, private and non-profit sectors to provide first-hand knowledge of Canada’s unique public policy and administrative framework. We build a tailored approach for each client – strategies that are mindful of the end goal and balance the particular commercial objectives and culture of our clients and their organizations

Fine Beauty & Academy

Fine Beauty is specialized in semi-permanent makeup (Eyebrows, Eyeliner, Eyeliner under, Lips, Hairline, Mini tattoo), manicures, pedicures, eyelash extensions, and waxing. We are dedicated to providing a memorable experience through exceptional service and technical excellence. Bring out your best self; Always beautiful always natural-looking, never fake; It’s everyday perfection without the everyday effort

Gihon Networks

대표 지동식


[email protected]

인재채용 및 수출지원

전남TP 글로벌센터 토론토

나주 녹색에너지연구원 글로벌센터 토론토